How Does Therapy Work?

Image of a long road in the desert.

Where to begin?

The first step to good therapy is to find someone who is a good match for you. A good match can mean a few different things: What kind of therapy do they provide? How long do they recommend I see them? What is their personality like?

Imagine yourself in front of a therapist who you has a completely different personality than you. They are outgoing and like to share a lot about themselves and you prefer a lot of alone time and want someone who can stay objective with your best interests at heart. A good therapeutic match can be as important, if not more so than the treatment plan put in place for you.

Modality (Therapeutic Approach)
Cognitive Behavioral, Psychodynamic, Jungian, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Family Systems, Existential…just to name a few. Therapists have different approaches to how they do therapy, much like the medical field might include western medicine, acupuncture, physical therapy, etc... Each has their own spin on how to bring healing and wholeness to the individual. Read more about different kinds of therapy below.

In Session
In general, therapy sessions are usually 45-50 minutes one on one with their therapist in an office where they can talk privately and confidentially. As all people are different, all therapists are different, and therapy provides a comfortable space where healing can take place. What you talk about and how you talk about it will all be affected by the kind of person you are, your comfort level in how much you share, and the kind of therapy you are seeking.


Insurance vs. Cash Pay 


Different Kinds of Therapy